Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Essay Titles/Questions

Respond to ONE of the following prompts:

  1. Baroque Patronage: How was the subject matter of paintings and/or sculptures influenced by patronage in the Baroque period in Europe (Italy, Spain, Flanders, Netherlands, France [you do not need to discuss all five countries])? Use 3-5 examples to support your assertions.

  1. Self-Portraiture: Choose 3-4 self-portraits which we have discussed in class and analyze them in relation to one another. Consider how each of the self-portraits is representative of its respective culture, time period, and/or style. Discuss what the self-portraits convey about each artist as well the image each artist wished to project of him or herself.

Essay Guidelines

  • Essay must be between 800 and 1100 words long (include word count at the end of your essay)
  • Essay must be typed, double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman/Arial, 1 inch margins
  • Your essay must have a thesis - keep this thesis in mind throughout your paper to ensure that your analysis ties in with your thesis
  • Use examples of specific works of art, preferably ones that we have discussed in class, to support your points
  • Discuss each work thoroughly, analyzing it in response to the prompt
  • Careful planning is key! Do not wait until the night before - give yourself ample time to outline, write, revise, and proofread

(40 points)
Due: Tuesday 1 December*

* If submitting electronically, essay must be received by midnight. Send to

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