Saturday, September 5, 2015

Chapter 15 Study Guide

Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Northern Europe

Early Northern Renaissance
  • Claus Sluter, Well of Moses, 1395-1406
  • Melchior Broederlam, Retable de Champmol (Dijon Altarpiece), 1399
  • Robert Campin, Merode Altarpiece, c. 1425-1428
  • Hubert and Jan van Eyck, Ghent Altarpiece (open and closed), 1432
  • Jan van Eyck, Arnolfini Double Portrait (Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife), 1434
  • Rogier van der Weyden, Deposition, c. 1435
  • Limbourg Brothers, January (From Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry), 1413-1416

Short Answer

  1. Why did Northern Renaissance artists tend to paint biblical subjects in contemporary settings?
  2. What is a donor portrait?
  3. Which new artistic medium allowed Northern painters to replicate surface details to such a minute degree?
  4. How did artists guilds benefit both artists and patrons?
  5. Why is Saint Luke the patron saint of painters?
  6. What is a book of hours?
  7. Which two forms of image printing became popular after the invention of the moveable-type printing press?

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