Late Medieval Italy
Late Medieval Italy
- Nicola Pisano, Annunciation, Nativity, and Adoration of the Shepherds, panel from baptistery pulpit, 1259-1260
- Giotto, Lamentation, Arena Chapel, c. 1305
- Duccio, Betrayal of Jesus, from Maesta Altarpiece, 1309-1311
- Pietro Lorenzetti, Birth of the Virgin, 1342
Short Answer
- How did Giotto’s style differ from that of his contemporaries?
- The term Renaissance translates to ‘rebirth.’ To what does this ‘rebirth’ refer?
- Briefly summarize the following common subjects of Christian art:
- Annunciation
- Nativity
- Adoration of the Shepherds
- Adoration of the Magi
- Crucifixion
- Deposition/Descent from the Cross
- Lamentation
- List three common stylistic features of Byzantine art.
- Explain the buon fresco technique. Name one advantage and one disadvantage it has over fresco secco.
- How did the Black Death influence the production of art in the mid-14th century?
- What is a patron?
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