Instructor: Lauren Vaughan Fall 2015
Art 2
Renaissance through Contemporary
Tentative Schedule
Tue Sep 1 Introduction
Thu Sep 3 Late Medieval Italy
Tue Sep 8 Early Northern Renaissance
Thu Sep 10 Early Northern Renaissance
Tue Sep 15 Early Italian Renaissance
Thu Sep 17 Early Italian Renaissance
Tue Sep 22 High Renaissance
Thu Sep 24 High Renaissance
Tue Sep 29 High Renaissance
Thu Oct 1 Mannerism
Tue Oct 6 Test 1 (Late Medieval Italy through High Renaissance)
Thu Oct 8 High Renaissance and Mannerism in Northern Europe
Tue Oct 13 Baroque
Thu Oct 15 Baroque
Tue Oct 20 Baroque
Thu Oct 22 Baroque
Tue Oct 27 Baroque
Thu Oct 29 Rococo and Enlightenment
Tue Nov 3 Neoclassicism and Romanticism
Thu Nov 5 Test 2 (Italian Mannerism through Enlightenment)
Tue Nov 10 19th Century
Thu Nov 12 19th Century
Tue Nov 17 19th Century
Thu Nov 19 19th Century
Tue Nov 24 Modernism
Tue Dec 1 Modernism
Thu Dec 3 Modernism
Tue Dec 8 Modernism and Postmodernism
Thu Dec 10 Contemporary Art Worldwide
12:45 Class - Thu Dec 17, 11 AM - 1:30 PM
3:55 Class - Tue Dec 15, 2 - 4:30 PM
Required Text:
Fred S. Kleiner. Gardner’s Art Through the Ages, The Western Perspective, Volume 2. 14th Edition. Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2014.
(13th Edition Acceptable)
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
1. Identify, describe, and discuss art in its historical context
2. Critique, compare, and contrast various artists, artworks, and styles
3. Describe, analyse, and discuss the styles of various cultures, historical periods, media, techniques, artworks, and artists, and formulate these observations and evaluations into written form
4. Articulate their ideas concerning art through the use of appropriate art terminology in both written form and class discussion
Testing, Assignments, and Grading
2 Essays (40 points each)
Weekly Visual Analysis (5 points each)
2 Tests (30 points each) - lowest score dropped
Final Exam (40 points)
Optional visit to museum or gallery with collection(s) relevant to the course and 2-3 page write-up (5 points extra credit)
A 90%+
B 80 - 89%
C 70 - 79%
D 60 - 69%
F -59%
Students will be presented with 2-4 essay questions exactly two weeks prior to the essay due date. They will be responsible for choosing 1 question and writing a 3-4 page essay that answers the question. Students must support their position with analyses of specific examples of artworks and demonstrate an understanding of the culture(s) relevant to their essay subject.
Visual Analysis
Students will be given an image-based assignment each week, which will be designed to improve visual analytical skills. These will come in a variety of forms and will sometimes be posted to the class website and at other times will be completed in class.
5 Slide Identifications
Identify artist, title, and culture/style of each image.
1 Analysis
Choose one image from the slide identification section to analyse in depth regarding style, symbolic meaning, function, cultural significance, and historical background (1-2 paragraphs)
1 Set of Compare and Contrast
You will be given two images. Identify artist, title, and culture/style of each image and analyse their similarities and differences in style, symbolic meaning, function, and how they are representative of their respective cultures (approx 2 paragraphs)
5-10 Questions from the Study Guide
Final Exam
5 Slide Identifications
1 Analysis
2 Sets of Compare and Contrast
5-10 Questions from the Study Guide
**All images on the Exam and Quizzes are from the textbook. You are responsible for knowing all the illustrations indicated on the slide lists from your study guides.
Note the Following Important Items. Read Carefully!
Dropping: This is your responsibility. Failure to file the correct paperwork may result in receiving an F.
Cheating: If caught cheating, you will be dropped from the course. If the drop date has passed, an F will be given for the course.
Plagiarism: You are encouraged to use outside resources (alongside your lecture notes and textbook) when composing essays. However, you must properly cite all sources used. Plagiarism will result in a score of 0 on the assignment.
Special Accommodations: If you have a documented disability that may impact your ability to carry out the assigned course work, I urge you to let me know and contact Disabled Student Program Services at (951) 222-8060. They will review your concerns and determine with you and me what reasonable accommodations are appropriate. All information about the disability is confidential. All determinations and paperwork must be filed at least 2 weeks before the exam or assignment is due. Requests that are not made within a timely manner cannot be honoured.
No Make-up Tests or Final
The Final Exam is Required for Passing the Course.