Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Chapter 18 Study Guide

High Renaissance and Mannerism in Northern Europe and Spain

Northern Renaissance
  • Bosch, Garden of Earthly Delights, 1505-1510
  • Durer, Melencolia I, 1514
  • Durer, Self-Portrait, 1500
  • Cranach the Elder, Law and Gospel, c. 1530
  • Holbein, The French Ambassadors, 1533
  • Bruegel, Netherlandish Proverbs, 1559
  • El Greco, Burial of Count Orgaz, 1586

Short Answer

  1. Identify one detail in Grunewald’s Isenheim Altarpiece that acknowledges the patients at the hospital for the which the work was commissioned?
  2. Who was the first non-Italian artist to achieve international fame? What artistic medium allowed for the widespread distribution of his work?
  3. How does Durer show his support for Lutheranism (Protestantism) in his painting Four Apostles?
  4. How did Catholic and Protestant attitudes towards religious art differ?
  5. Define iconoclasm.
  6. What optical illusion appears in Holbein’s The French Ambassadors?
  7. What is a genre scene?

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